In 2015, I voted for Justin Trudeau (a decision I regret to this day). More precisely, I voted for his party, The Liberal Party of Canada, which went on to lead the country with Trudeau in charge. The Liberals have been in power ever since.
What a woeful eight years it has been…
Under Trudeau, Canada has experienced a surging cost of living, deteriorating healthcare, tyrannical Covid mandates, unsustainable immigration, worsening foreign relations, and rising wokeness. It is no wonder that Canadians are leaving their homeland in record numbers. The Liberals have transformed Canada from a stable and wealthy country into a dystopian Leftist hellscape.

The question on many Canadians’ minds is, “who will replace Trudeau?”
The obvious answer is Pierre Poilievre, Leader of The Conservative Party of Canada, which is projected to win the 2025 election. Poilievre is slick, social media savvy, and is gaining ground with young people who hate being stuck in dead-end jobs with no prospect of owning a home. He promises to “Fire the Gatekeepers” who are preventing Canadians from flourishing.
Yet, Poilievre is one of those gatekeepers. Aside from the fact that he is just as woke as Trudeau (see here, here, and here), Poilievre’s plan to revive Canada is as solid as an ice sculpture in the summer heat. On the surface, the Conservatives seem a reasonable bet, but their vision will lead to a woke dictatorship in Canada by 2030.
To demonstrate this, in this article, I use the example of Poilievre’s affordable housing plan, which is nothing more than a bait-and-switch. The vast majority of Canadians cannot afford to buy a house; Poilievre’s solution to this is to build more houses. However, immigration is driving the housing crisis to begin with, and Poilievre will not reduce it, nor will he build enough quality homes to house the new migrants. As a result, Canadians will end up living in increasingly smaller and dearer homes.
They will live in the pod. They will eat the bugs. They will own nothing and be happy.
In the remainder of this article, I go into detail on Poilievre’s housing plan, and exactly why it will lead to such dire outcomes. I then show what is required to solve Canada’s housing crisis: competent leadership and remarkable vision. I then conclude with some reflections on Canada’s political situation.
Canada’s Conundrum: From Castles to Cubbyholes
Canada is the world’s second-largest country by landmass, with a population of only 40 million. Over 90 percent of the land is uninhabited. Despite this, Canada’s housing is the least affordable among G7 countries. The average house price is $646,000, while the average salary is $65,000; Canada’s housing affordability is at its worst level in over 40 years, and based on recent government policies, it is about to get worse.
In particular, Canada has committed to welcoming 1.5 million immigrants every three years. The stated reason is because the country has a ‘labour shortage,’ though this betrays a misunderstanding of economics; shortages resolve by themselves when wages rise. The oligarchs who own Canada cannot have higher wages, of course; The Century Initiative, a powerful NGO with ties to BlackRock, wants Canada’s population to reach 100 million by 2100 — purely through immigration.
This will increase house prices while lowering wages, as competition for both shelter and jobs accelerates. Canadians will be crammed into increasingly smaller and more expensive homes. Family formation will cease. Canada will transform into a semi-feudal society.
Of course, Pierre Poilievre will stop this nightmare from unfolding, right?
The Conservatives’ Housing Plan
Poilievre’s plan is simple: build more homes. To that end, every city will be mandated to build a certain number of houses each year. Those that fail to meet the quota would be denied transit and infrastructure funding. Those that exceed the quota would benefit from increased federal largesse. It is a carrots-and-sticks policy which would raise the supply of housing, and hence, in theory, reduce the price of homes.
Yet this proposal would not improve home affordability. Although mass immigration drives house prices, Poilievre is not opposed to it; he welcomes it openly. To restore affordability, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) estimates that the country needs 500,000 new houses every year until 2030. Currently, Canada is building only 221,000 houses per year. Making up that shortfall would be a Herculean feat.
Unless, of course, Canadians compromise on size and quality; instead of single-family detached dwellings, get used to 400 square-foot condos. In other words, ‘you will live in the pod,’ crammed in with your extended family. House prices may plateau, but the quality of housing will greatly diminish.
This is likely what Poilievre intends. The language in his policy statements evokes what the United Nations and World Economic Forum want: high-density housing to bring about 15-minute cities, in which populations are tightly controlled. The only way to build 3.5 million homes by 2030 is to demolish existing homes and build high-rise condos, turning cityscapes into oppressive eyesores.

There is a better way, but it requires vision and genius, neither of which Poilievre possesses.
Making Canada Affordable and Based
A policy to restore affordable housing rests on the following three principles:
End mass immigration.
Raise interest rates to 10 percent.
Build planned cities in the Canadian wilderness.
I have already discussed the problem of mass immigration, and so here I discuss the other two points.
Canada’s housing market is based on rampant speculation and easy access to credit. The solution is to cut off the credit, just as one would confiscate an alcoholic man’s supply of spirits. To do this, the Bank of Canada should hike its key interest rate to 10 percent, hence making borrowing difficult and driving home prices down. Currently, the Bank’s interest rate is only 4.5 percent, and housing continues to be expensive.
More importantly, given its large and uninhabited landmass, Canada should build planned cities (thanks to
for this idea). There is precedent for this; many Western Canadian cities began as railway towns. Eastern Canadian municipalities like Guelph and Vaughan were completely planned. Other countries have successfully built planned cities into sprawling metropolises: think of Adelaide (Australia), New Delhi (India), and St. Petersburg (Russia). In ancient times, kings would build cities to cement their victories over vanquished foes.
All that is required is vision and leadership. Canada could easily, given its technology, landmass, and natural resource wealth, grow its supply of housing without compromising on quality and price.
But it won’t.
Meet the New Boss, Same as The Old One
There is no political solution in Canada. The only party which is moderate and sensible is the People’s Party of Canada (PPC), and the Canadian media have successfully cast it as a fringe, far-right group with questionable candidates. The only feasible options are The Liberal Party, The Conservative Party, or the socialist New Democratic Party (NDP). In other words, expect Canada to become increasingly woke and unlivable over the next few decades.
You can stay and fight, vote harder, or leave. If you need a reason to stay, then read my previous article. Voting for political change is a fool’s errand. The final choice is to leave, seeking greener pastures in another country — and there are many nations which are better than Canada.
Whatever you do, you can count on Canada becoming worse over time. I suspect that Canada is a testing ground for the globalists’ whackiest schemes: carbon taxes, 15 minute cities, mandated electric vehicles, central bank digital currencies, etc. If you are living in Canada, then prepare for a woke Orwellian dictatorship to soon unfold.
It’s true; the only good thing we can say about Poilievre is that he isn’t Justin Trudeau, which is a pretty low bar to clear for a population that has been beaten down for so long.
What we are experiencing people, is stage four capitalism. Political ideologies don't kill people-people kill people.