Very nice post. Guido Giacomo Preparata's book "Conjuring Hitler" is quite excellent. "[The British] were, in effect globalists, and their main threat was a strong military alliance between Germany and Russia. They therefore approved of the rise of Hitler, in Germany, as a counterbalance to a growing Russian communist state." This is exactly correct!
This is the same logic which explains why globohomo recently blew up the Nordstream 2 pipeline, i.e. in order to prevent further Russian/German integration.
Yes, there is still that dynamic at play unfortunately.
I’m glad you caught on to the Preparata book. It is truly a wonderful work which I hope everyone reads. I’ll be plugging it in my next post in this series.
Very nice post. Guido Giacomo Preparata's book "Conjuring Hitler" is quite excellent. "[The British] were, in effect globalists, and their main threat was a strong military alliance between Germany and Russia. They therefore approved of the rise of Hitler, in Germany, as a counterbalance to a growing Russian communist state." This is exactly correct!
This is the same logic which explains why globohomo recently blew up the Nordstream 2 pipeline, i.e. in order to prevent further Russian/German integration.
Yes, there is still that dynamic at play unfortunately.
I’m glad you caught on to the Preparata book. It is truly a wonderful work which I hope everyone reads. I’ll be plugging it in my next post in this series.